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May 16, 2018

Think you're clever? Maybe you are: but are you a GENIUS? Irving Finkel doubts it. There is only one man this curator gives that label to and it is Edward Hincks... upstaged by the evil Rawlinson and with a blue plaque only dogs can see, it seems the only person left to champion him is a swearing beardy man with a passion for Cuneiform.

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Edward Hincks

Dr Irving Finkel isa British philologist and Assyriologist. He is  the Assistant Keeper of Ancient Mesopotamian script, languages and cultures in the Department of the Middle East in the British Museum, where he specialises in cuneiform inscriptions on tablets of clay from ancient Mesopotamia.

Iszi Lawrence is a comedian and podcaster and contributor to BBC's Making History and presenter of The British Museum @iszi_lawrence.

The Z List Dead List is a podcast about obscure people from History. Created by Iszi Lawrence.

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Theme: Time Trades Live at the WFMU Record Fair - November 24, 2013 by Jeffery Lewis