Jun 24, 2015
Who was the first Emperor of the United States? What makes an invention patentable? How much can you earn for spitting on people, or getting kicked up the backside? All of these vital questions and more are answered in the last episode of series 4 of the Z List Dead List with Robin Ince, Matthew Bayliss and Elf...
Jun 17, 2015
Which witch is the most famous in History? Margery Jourdemayne is up there and Iszi had never heard of her either! What was this early witch trial really about? An attempt to stop magic from killing the King or a just modern politics played out 600 years ago with the threat of a toasty conclusion?
Thanks for listening -...
Jun 3, 2015
This week one hit wonders, towelling, Melbourne, suicide and whips. Can you control how you are remembered? One man surely did and to this day few people know his full story. John Robertson bares all when telling this...