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Thank you for listening to The Z List Dead List. If you want to support this show please buy me a coffee on ko-fi. You can find out more about me and my other podcasts at

Dec 16, 2015

This week we go all Zen. Alan Watts is hugely famous in some circles but relatively unknown to others. This makes a lovely spiritual Christmas episode, so while the family crackles around you, listen to Danny Buckler tell you the finer points of living in the now. Best ignore if you are Dr Who.

Thanks for listening - if...

Dec 10, 2015

This week is a mix match of brilliant facts, disgusting profiteering and tragic disasters. And don't call ships boats. Just no. If you like pub quizzes, this episode is for you. Topics covered include British Rail, The Titanic, The Stephenson's Rocket, Waterloo Teeth, and the importance of typed correspondence. 


Nov 12, 2015

Meet the Dave Gorman of the 19th century and she was a woman on a bicycle. A fibbing one at that. Expect guns, lies, abandonment and blood drinking.

The next episode of the Z List Dead List is slightly delayed due to a busy iszi, but please do continue to download and share previous episodes on social and antisocial...

Nov 5, 2015

This week we talk about sex baby. Well, sex for babies, sex not for babies... sex for pleasure and sex for stuff which doesn't sound like a lot of pleasure but some people just love it. It won't surprise that the people of the past were as interested in sex as we are... and some might argue possibly even more...

Oct 29, 2015

Have you heard the one about the fighting, fencing, romancing, cross dressing, opera singing, bisexual, hairdressing nun? No? Well buckle up!

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