Feb 10, 2016
In this episode we look at ghosts and the man who hunted them. Pals with Houdini, not quite a skeptic, taking mongeese too seriously... iszi and comedian Paul Gannon explore the world of Harry Price: the original pop star ghost hunter.
Iszi is attempting to redo the way The Z List Dead List is released - hoping to put out 2 episodes a month from now on. Any feedback is welcome. Find us on facebook, twitter, or leave your comments on the website.
Thanks for listening - if you can, please donate, but you can also help by sharing this episode on social media.
Harry Price https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Price
With thanks to:
PAUL GANNON is a comedian, radio producer and geek based in the UK https://twitter.com/paulgannonshow @paulgannonshow
Iszi Lawrence is a comedian and podcasterer www.iszi.com
The Z List Dead List is a podcast about obscure people from
History. Created by Iszi Lawrence @iszi_lawrence
To help support the show please share it with your friends and on
social media. Also leave us a review on iTunes - this makes us more
visible so that other people can find us. For any donations please
use the paypal button. Thanks very much!
All Licenses can be viewed on www.freemusicarchive.org.
Theme: Time Trades Live at the WFMU Record Fair - November 24, 2013
by Jeffery Lewis (http://www.thejefferylewissite.com)
Podington bear (http://podingtonbear.com/)
Chris Zabriskie (http://chriszabriskie.com/)