Feb 5, 2018
Iszi talks about her work on Making History, Music Hall, her mother in a wheelbarrow, The Other Winston Churchill (there were two) and Adam Mastroianni does a talk on Paul the Epistle and the other Paul the Epistle... if there was one... which there might have been. Yes.
For any questions suggestions and feedback get in touch via iszi.com
Deutero Paul https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorship_of_the_Pauline_epistles
Winston Churchill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill_(novelist)
Adam Mastroianni is a comedian and resident cast performer at Improv Boston– twitter videos Instagram podcast www.adammastroianni.com
Iszi Lawrence is a comedian and podcaster and contributor to BBC's Making History and presenter of The British Museum Membercast. www.iszi.com @iszi_lawrence. The Z List Dead List is a podcast about obscure people from History. Created by Iszi Lawrence.
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Theme: Time Trades Live at the WFMU Record Fair - November 24, 2013
by Jeffery